Without even leaving the comfort of your home or office, you can search Gumtree Cape Town for cars new and used, along with a host of other classifieds trading and job options. What is Gumtree? Yes, it is a Koala’s favourite food, but Gumtree is also an extensive online classifieds network that is available in a number of countries around the world, including the United Kingdom (where Gumtree started), Ireland, Poland, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. The classifieds covers 60 cities, one of which is South Africa’s Cape Town. On Gumtree, you can buy, sell, peddle, pawn, exchange or advertise just about anything. The best part is that placing and viewing these advertisements is completely free, unless you choose specific paid-for options such as highlighting your ad. How can I find a new or used car on Gumtree? Gumtree’s success is largely due to its user-friendly interface and the…